Sunday, January 6, 2008

Life's a rigmarole
Where's the purpose, where's the goal
The same script time and again
What pain, what pain............

We seem to be so engrossed in our banal activities, treating them oh-so-importantly, that we tend to miss out on the real thrills of life. The petty fights, the quotidian office to-dos and meaningless meetings- the smart asses have a lot to preach about- they say the same things like men before them have, with such authority that it makes me wonder where they get such audacity from! I don't see originality, I don't see creativity and I've lost a view of life. I miss the days spent in college, the days of continuous tension and sweat spent in a craving to achieve goals seemingly impossible. We pursued challenges- difficult ones at that, with such vigour that it made the process more appealing than the end result.

I wish I could rediscover myself soon.